Thursday, July 15, 2010

Consegi 2010

I have been invited to give a talk on the 3rd International Congress on Free Software and E-Government -- Consegi, taking place in Brasilia on 18-20 of august. It is a massive event bringing together Leading professionals from all over the world. Last year's event had 6000 participants from 19 countries!

This year's theme is cloud computing and I'll bee talking about Google AppEngine (GAE). Since I am not a Google employee, I plan to make an unbiased presentation of the the plaform's potential in the context of the growing ecosystem of similar cloud computing platforms. I also plan to talk about GAE integration with other Google services such as Gadgets, Wave API, and OpenSocial but I hope to be able to also discuss the use of GAE as a front-end to other cloud-based systems which may require heavier computing and data storage features which are not offered by GAE. By this I mean scientific computing and data analysis platforms, which are subjects which I am deeply involved with.

The topics above are naturally of great importance to E-gov projects but I am afraid I wont have time to go into this subject, Hopefully in the q&a after my talk some one will give me an opportunity to talk about this.

I'd appreciate to hear any suggestions of other topics which might fit in such a talk.

